Dein Düsseldorf

by lokalpioniere GmbH & Co. KG



With your app Dusseldorf You discover special stores, shops and restaurants in the region Dusseldorf. In the app you can also find events, the current lunch menu of many restaurants, as well as news from the region Dusseldorf. By Your-Dusseldorf-advantage you enjoy many activities and discounts of your favorite stores: show app and secure advantage.ADVANTAGESBenefits near you. With the new "benefits" You discover exclusive discounts and promotions in the region Dusseldorf.NEWS / SOCIALWhats going on in the region Dusseldorf? In the news section you can find news from the region Dusseldorf.COMPANIESHere you can find all the stores, shops, businesses and restaurants in your area.FOOD / LUNCHHungry? The new restaurant directory provides you with lots of offers for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner in the Dusseldorf region. The lunch menu offers you a variety of food, so you can satisfy your hunger quickly.MAPYoull get an overview of all participating stores, shops, businesses and restaurants in the region Dusseldorf on the map.EVENTS / EVENTSYou want to go out and do not know where to go? Remedy creates the new event calendar on the Dusseldorf app. There you will find all the important events in the region Dusseldorf.JOBSFind your dream job! In the new Dusseldorf app you can find now current job from the region Dusseldorf.FAVORITESSave your favorite shops and businesses comfortable in the new "favorites".NOTICESFrom now you can (push messages) Subscribe to Notifications. So you can allow only send to the areas you are interested in you messages.The Dusseldorf Your app gives you exclusive offers for all the districts of the most beautiful city on the Rhine:District 1: Old Town, Carlstadt, Derendorf, Golzheim, Pempelfort, City CenterDistrict 2: Duesseltal, Flingern-Nord, Flingern-SüdDistrict 3: Bilk, Flehe, Friedrichstadt, harbor, Hamm, Oberbilk, Unterbilk, VolmerswerthDistrict 4: Heerdt, Lörick, Niederkassel, OberkasselDistrict 5: Angermund, Kaiserswerth, Kalkum, Lohausen, Stockum, WittlaerDistrict 6: Lichtenbroich, Mörsenbroich, Rath, UnterrathDistrict 7: Gerresheim, Grafenberg, Hubbelrath, Knittkuhl, LudenbergDistrict 8: Eller, Lierenfeld, Unterbach, VennhausenDistrict 9: Benrath, Hassels, Himmelgeist, Holthausen, Itter, rice timber, Urdenbach, WerstenDistrict 10: Garath, Hellerhof